The Christmas woodlouse – A wintertime adventure
It was a frosty December evening and the forest was covered in a thick blanket of snow. Everything was silent except for the occasional crackling [...]
Jumping spider breeding from egg laying to rearing
Breeding jumping spiders is an exciting process that begins with egg laying and ends with the successful rearing of the spiderlings. If your jumping spider [...]
Setting up a jumping spider terrarium: Step-by-step guide
A well-designed terrarium not only offers your jumping spider a safe environment, but also a small adventure land for exploring and climbing. With the right [...]
Mycelium or mould? What really grows in your terrarium
It happens again and again: you take a look in your lovingly decorated terrarium and discover white threads running through the substrate or the leaves. [...]
From fear to fascination: how jumping spiders can help you combat your arachnophobia
Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, affects many people around the world. The idea of an eight-legged creature can immediately cause some people to break out [...]
Sexing scorpions – how to recognise males and females
Scorpions are among the most fascinating and at the same time most mysterious terrarium animals. Many terrarium keepers ask themselves the question at some point: [...]
Keeping terrarium animals in rented accommodation – what you need to know as a tenant
Do you love exotic animals and finally want to fulfil your dream of installing a terrarium in your rented flat? But maybe you’re also wondering [...]
The fascinating world of jumping spiders
Jumping spiders, scientifically known as Salticidae, are among the most fascinating and versatile hunters in the realm of spiders. With over 6,000 species worldwide, they [...]
Why keep such animals? The growing community of terraristic fans
Do you recognise this too? You are totally enthusiastic about your hobby, tell someone full of enthusiasm about how exciting it is to keep exotic [...]
Max and the secret of the kiwi tree
It was a normal Saturday and I was at the supermarket with mum again. I actually just wanted a pack of my favourite gummy bears, [...]
Sex determination of millipedes
Sexing millipedes can sometimes be a puzzle for beginners as well as advanced keepers. But don’t worry, we will guide you through the basic aspects [...]
The fascination of jumping spiders: A look at the sexes and their colouring
Jumping spiders, the small and agile hunters, not only attract attention with their impressive behaviour, but also with their unmistakable appearance. What particularly catches the [...]
The most frequently asked questions about keeping jumping spiders: Here you will find the answers!
Jumping spiders are fascinating little creatures. With their big, inquisitive eyes and impressive jumps, they can charm even those who normally give spiders a wide [...]
Relaxation in the hectic world: The meditative effect of terrariums in the home
In the fast-paced world you live in, hectic is often the norm. Always on the move, rushing from one appointment to the next, you juggle [...]
Effective measures against fungus gnats in the terrarium
Oh dear, what are those tiny flies buzzing around in my terrarium? Fungus gnats! A shiver runs down my spine, my hand trembles in horror. [...]
Mites in terrarium: causes, prevention and solution
Discovering mites in your terrarium is a bit like a roller coaster ride of emotions. From panic to horror to a mountain of work – [...]
Whip spiders: The most unusual spiders in the world!
Seeing or sensing? How whip spiders perceive their environment Whip spiders, also called Amblypygi, are fascinating and often misunderstood creatures. They belong to the arachnid [...]
Learn everything about the Caribena versicolor tarantula – from its natural habitat to husbandry
Caribena versicolor: An exotic tarantula from the Caribbean Caribena versicolor, also known as the Martinique tree tarantula, is native to the rainforest of Guadeloupe and [...]
Let us introduce you to the biOrb EARTH 125
Since the keeping of reptiles and amphibians became popular, terrariums have changed very little. Modern designs can be made of better, lighter or stronger materials. [...]
The new biOrb AIR
Plants and animals are the natural antidote to the concrete desert. In today’s fully digitalised world, it is more important than ever to stay in [...]
The terrarium system from Hobby
Terrarium systems are not only space-saving, but also look high-quality and professional. This means that you are no longer bound to shelf sizes and can [...]
The treasure of friendship
In a secluded corner of the forest, where the trees were so dense that hardly any sunlight penetrated, lived Sari, a small isopod. She was [...]
Jumping spider mating – Watch out for your males!
If you are interested in breeding jumping spiders, the question soon arises as to how to properly approach jumping spider mating. As is widely known, [...]
Sex determination of jumping spiders
The sex determination of jumping spiders is one of the central questions in jumping spider husbandry. This question should not only be answered when selecting [...]
Lena and the millipede Tobi: An unequal duo
Lena was a little girl who loved animals more than anything. One day she discovered a centipede named Tobi hiding among the flowers in her [...]
Jumping spider food – The right diet!
If you ask yourself the question about the right jumping spider food, the answer is basically very simple: as varied as possible! In everyday life, [...]
Keeping jumping spiders – quickly and easily explained!
In this article we will go into detail about keeping jumping spiders. All important points are explained briefly and understandably and will support you in [...]
Hüpfel, the vegan jumping spider
Hüpfel was a very unusual jumping spider. Most of her peers preferred to hunt flies and mosquitoes, but Hüpfel had a real fondness for vegetables. [...]
Despite their size, tarantulas are much less dangerous than is commonly believed. Their bite is deadly for mice and insects, but for humans it is [...]
Being different is great: The lesson of Sigi’s crazy day
In the deep jungle, where tall meranti trees towered into the sky and wild animals roamed through the thicket, lived a little orange scorpion named [...]
Flake Soil: What is the Japanese miracle substrate capable of?
Flake Soil as a substrate is currently the subject of controversy. Many are unsure whether the japanese miracle substrate has more advantages or disadvantages for [...]
How a snail crossed the road and became famous in the process
Once upon a time there was a little snail called Shelly. She lived in a pretty garden full of flowers and lush grass, where she [...]
Pet Isopods: The great crawling!
A piece of nature in the living room: woodlice and co. can easily be kept in a terrarium. This can be particularly interesting for children [...]
Lisa’s wish: a tarantula as a pet
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lisa who had always wanted a pet. Her friends all had cats, dogs or guinea [...]
Alder cone broth- effects and preparation for the terrarium
Again and again owners tell me that almost their entire isopod or millipede population has died within a very short time. As explanation attempts I [...]
5 ways to regulate your isopod breeding
If you decide to keep isopods as pets, there will inevitably be offspring. What should you do if your isopod terrarium gets too full? In [...]
From the Plane Jane to the Designer Morphe
Today I would like to deepen and illuminate the topic Designer Morphs with you. It is my second attempt to cross color mutations with each [...]
The secret of the isopods without eyes- part 2
It’s been a few months since I got the all white isopods. So I have done some research on this species and observed them very [...]
Beetle Jelly- The Easiest Recipe
INGREDIENTS For approx. 570ml Beetle-Jelly • Preparation time approx. 15 Min. INSTRUCTIONS Cut the fruit or vegetables into small pieces and put them in a [...]
The Isopod Terrarium
Once the decision has been made to purchase isopods and design a terrarium for them, newcomers in particular will be faced with numerous questions. It [...]
The secret of the isopods without eyes
In my new YouTube video “Unboxing Terraristika Hamm | Asseln ohne Augen?” you could marvel at my newest color morph. Of course I wanted to get [...]
Porcellio spec. “Marocco 8i”
We’re starting a new color breeding project with this single animal. Since I have never heard of a color morph in the species Porcellio spec. [...]
Offsprings from our Oniscus asellus “Mardi Gras”
I have news about my Oniscus asellus “Mardi Gras”! But first of all a quick thank you to you for the great feedback you left [...]
Porcellio ornatus “sandstone”
A new color mutation has emerged! It’s always a great thing to see an animal you’ve never seen before. Of course it’s great when someone [...]
My presentation at the “Club der Aquarienfreunde Nürtingen e. V.”
On 08.02.2019 my presentation at the “Club der Aquarienfreunde Nürtingen e. V” (Club of aquarium friends Nürtingen e. V.) took place. About 20 aquarium friends [...]
Porcellio hoffmannseggi “brown”
Maybe it’s happened to one or the other of you. You buy an isopod breeding set and again and again you will see some colourful [...]
Oniscus asellus “Mardi Gras”
It all started with a giant order of common slaters. A customer had ordered 500 animals and we didn’t have that many animals left in [...]
Right from the start – keeping reptiles correctly on a living terrarium substrate
A successful keeping starts with a well thought-out ground. Thinking of the substrate of terrariums or other breeding containers, there is much more to [...]
Baby Isopods – Insights to succesful isopod keeping
What should be done so that tiny little isopod babies in the terrarium are doing well? We will pursue this question in the following. I [...]
Sex determination, mating and reproducing of isopods
There are many kinds of isopods that are not complicated to breed because they reproduce easily. If the keeping conditions are fine and you keep [...]
Moulting of Isopods
Isopods are very different compared to other terrarium dwellers. A very great difference is their shell. Not only does it offer protection, it also makes [...]
Isopod Food – How to feed them right.
Before the Isopod-Hype reached us, isopods were mainly used as clean-up crews in many kinds of reptile terrariums. Reptile keepers promised themselves a positive effect [...]
Everything you need to know about an ootheca
The eggs of a praying mantis are caught in a smooth nest that we call an ootheca. “Ootheca” translates to “a place to keep”. [...]
Insektenliebe Isopod Starter-Set
Description: The Insektenliebe Starterset is a Box made of plastic, that is perfect for beginners. The tank imeasures 28x20x14cm (5L). We offer everything for the [...]
Blog, I’m back again
This is basically an explanation for why i’m cutting short on youtube but go crazy about my blog right now. CURRENT SITUATION I haven’t uploaded [...]
Isopods Q&A
I usually use Facebook or E-Mails to reply to your questions. But since I’m getting more of the same questions over and over again I [...]
Which terrarium do I choose for a praying mantis?
We have all asked ourselves this question, and not just once. With every new species that you keep, this question is briefly worked through in [...]
Sex determination of a praying mantis
What name do I give my mantid? Julia or Julian? First of all you should know the sex of the animal. I think it is [...]
Porcellionides pruinosus – Cuban isopods successfully quartered
About my new acquisition from the Vogenspinnenbörse in Marbach you can find very little to nothing on the web. That is what made it so [...]
New Orchids for my Mantises
Real plants are one of the best things you can put in a terrarium. They not only help to create a good climate, but also [...]