Whip spiders: The most unusual spiders in the world!

Geißelspinnen: Damon medius

Seeing or sensing? How whip spiders perceive their environment

Whip spiders, also called Amblypygi, are fascinating and often misunderstood creatures. They belong to the arachnid family and have a unique appearance due to their long legs and striking physique.
Whip spiders have a flat, oval body that is usually between 2 and 8 centimetres long. Thanks to their flat body, they can hide under almost any stone or in tiny crevices. Their bodies are usually brown, black or grey in colour, with different patterns and textures depending on the species.
One of the most striking features of whip spiders is their long legs, which are also very long in relation to their body. These legs are thin and have joints that allow whip spiders to move deftly through their environment. The legs are usually covered with spines and spines that help them cling to rocks and other structures.
Another notable feature of whip spiders are their flagella, which are long, thin antennae that protrude from their heads. These flagella can be up to three times as long as the spider’s body and are used to explore their surroundings and catch their prey. The flagella are usually covered with hairs that are sensitive to touch and movement.
Whip spiders have eight eyes placed on their head in three groups. These eyes are small and not particularly well developed, which means that whip spiders cannot see very well. Instead, they rely on their flagella to perceive their surroundings.
Overall, whip spiders have a striking and unusual appearance that distinguishes them from other spiders and scorpions. Their physique and their long, thin legs and flagella make them a fascinating sight and arouse the interest of many people.
Geißelspinne im Felsspalt
Euphrynichus bacillifer Lavafels

Adaptability: How they can colonise different habitats

Whip spiders are native to many parts of the world and are found in a variety of habitats, including rainforests, humid areas, deserts and even cities.
As whip spiders do not build webs, they are often found in crevices, caves or under stones where they can find shelter from predators and the elements. They are also able to climb trees and plants and cling to their branches to find food and hide.
As whip spiders are nocturnal, they spend most of the day resting in their hiding place where they are protected from predators. At night, they then come out to find food and explore their surroundings. As they move, they hold their flagella ahead to scan their surroundings and detect potential prey.
Most whip spiders prefer damp environments and are found near bodies of water such as rivers, lakes or wetlands. Some species live in forests or rainforests where they can find shelter under leaves and other plant parts.
However, since whip spiders are also found in dry areas, they have adapted to these environments and are able to survive for long periods without water. In the desert, they often live in caves or crevices that offer them protection from the heat and direct sunlight.
Overall, whip spiders are very adaptable and can survive in many different habitats. In the course of evolution, they have adapted to the conditions and requirements of the respective habitat.


Without venom and spider webs: How whip spiders have developed other hunting methods

Whip spiders are fascinating animals that impress not only with their adaptability but also with their behaviour. One aspect of their behaviour that is particularly interesting is their hunting technique. Whip spiders are active hunters and feed mainly on insects and other invertebrates. To catch their prey, they use their flagella to scan their surroundings and locate potential prey. Once they have found their prey, they quickly sprint towards them biting their prey.
Whip spiders have neither venom nor spinning glands and have thus had to develop other hunting methods. They are known to run very fast to catch their prey or to protect themselves from predators.
Another interesting behaviour of whip spiders is their ability to dance on their legs to scare off predators. When they feel threatened, they can move their flagella and forelegs up and down to increase their size and deter potential enemies.
For example, researchers have observed that Euphrynichus bacillifer use their long legs as additional weapons to capture prey. They use their legs to clasp their prey and then bite with their chelicerae.
This hunting technique has also attracted the interest of engineers who are trying to imitate the movements of Euphrynichus bacillifer to develop robots that can be used in difficult terrain.
In addition, whip spiders are known for their complex social behaviour. Some species live in groups and communicate with each other through touch and vibration. Researchers have shown that these spiders are even able to create complex patterns of vibrations to communicate with each other.
Because of their interesting behaviours and unique hunting techniques, whip spiders are always a topic for study and research. Through further studies, we can hopefully learn even more about these fascinating spiders.
Masters of the hunt: How whip spiders successfully hunt prey
Whip spiders are hunters and feed mainly on insects and other invertebrates. They have a wide range of prey, including flies, moths, beetles, grasshoppers and spiders. They eat their prey completely, including the body fluids and soft parts. The hard parts such as wings and legs are left behind.
Whip spiders have a high energy requirement and need to eat constantly to survive. They can move quickly to catch their prey and are able to adapt to different prey types and sizes. This makes them successful hunters, able to survive in many different habitats.
Overall, whip spiders are fascinating animals with a unique hunting technique and diet. They play an important role in the ecosystem and are an important part of the food chain. Although they do not usually pose a threat to humans, they can help control pests and maintain the balance in nature.
Geißelspinne- Geißeln und Beine
How whip spiders reproduce: The secret of brood care
Whip spiders are egg-laying spiders in which the female lays the eggs and is responsible for brood care. The males often perform elaborate courtship dances to impress and mate with the female. After mating, the female may produce several egg cocoons, which can contain between 20 and 100 eggs, depending on the species and environmental conditions.
The female carries her eggs with her and ensures that they are protected and kept in a warm and humid area. During the incubation period, the female protects the eggs from predators and environmental influences by covering them with her body. The incubation period can be between two and eight weeks, depending on the species and the ambient temperature.
Euphrynichus bacillifer Eier
As soon as the young hatch, they initially stay with their mother. She also ensures that the spiderlings are not only protected from enemies, but she helps them to moult and acquire hunting skills. When the young have grown up, they leave their mother and start an independent life.
Reproduction and brood care in whip spiders is an important part of their life cycle and helps to sustain this spider species. The mother ensures that her offspring are protected and nourished until they are able to live independently. This allows whip spiders to successfully exist in different habitats and play an important role in the ecosystem.
Keeping in a terrarium: What should be considered?
There are a few things to consider when keeping whip spiders in a terrarium. It is important to understand the needs of the whip spider to create the best environment for its health and well-being.
Firstly, it is important that the terrarium is large enough to accommodate the size of the whip spider. As a rule of thumb, consider using a terrarium that measures 30 x 30 x 30 cm. A larger terrarium will also provide more space for hiding places and decorations to create a natural environment. As whip spiders can be kept well in groups, this aspect should also be considered when choosing the terrarium size.
Geißelspinne- Gruppenhaltung
The substrate in the terrarium should consist of a mixture of forest humus and Sphagnum moss to ensure adequate humidity. To achieve a constantly high humidity, it is recommended that the substrate is deep enough. A layer of 7 to 10 cm may be sufficient for this. It is important to check the substrate regularly and to moisten or renew it if necessary. Socialising with springtails and isopods not only disposes of litter, but also provides another food source. The small isopods are eaten by the spiders and thus contribute to the diet of the whip spiders.
Humidity is another important factor in keeping whip spiders. The humidity in the terrarium should be between 60% and 80%, depending on the type of spider. A hygrometer is a useful tool to monitor humidity. To increase humidity, the substrate can be kept moist and the terrarium can be sprayed regularly.
Whip spiders prefer temperatures between 22°C and 28°C. It is important to place the terrarium in a location that is protected from direct sunlight and draughts. A heat lamp can be used to regulate the temperature in the terrarium. UV-A or UV-B radiation can be omitted.
It is important that whip spiders have sufficient hiding places in the terrarium to feel safe and comfortable. This can be achieved by adding plants, artificial plants, caves or cork tubes. When keeping whip spiders in groups, it is important to have enough hiding places to avoid conflicts between the animals. A shallow water basin should also be placed in the terrarium to provide the whip spider with drinking water.
Overall, keeping whip spiders in a terrarium requires some patience, attention and the ability to adapt their environment to their needs. With proper care, whip spiders can live a long and happy life of 7- 10 years in the terrarium.
There are several species of whip spiders that can be kept as pets. Here is some information on some of the best known species:

This species can reach a wingspan of up to 15 cm. It originates from Tanzani and Kenya and is very popular due to its size and unusual appearance. Keeping Damon diadema requires a larger terrarium and specific temperature and humidity requirements.

This species comes from Florida, Bahamas, Cuba and Hispaniola. With a body length of up to 2 cm, it is one of the smaller species. Phrynus marginemaculatus needs a terrarium with plenty of space to climb, as well as high humidity and temperatures in the tropical range.

This species originates from Peru, Colombia and Bolivia and is popular due to its unusual light body colouration and greenish-brown colour. It needs a terrarium with many hiding places and climbing opportunities, as well as high humidity and temperatures in the tropical range.

Euphrynichus is a genus of whip spiders native to Africa. There are several species within this genus, of which the best known is Euphrynichus bacillifer. This spider can grow up to 8 cm long and is a medium-sized species among the whip spiders.

Whip spiders can not only sit on your head as in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”, but also serve as whimsical and fascinating pets that can be relaxing to watch. Although they are certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, there is a group of people who enjoy them a lot and occasionally have an adventure or two.

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