Porcellio haasi

Porcellio haasi




22-27 °C


nominat 2,5 cm, giant 3,5 cm

Social Behaviour:

Usually hides beneath moss or dead wood. They usually try to escape as soon as it gets light.


Breeding Porcellio haasi isn’t really complicated. The developmental period usually takes about 9 months.

Special features:

It’s one of the few kinds that also comes in a giant form which get’s bigger than the usual one. Therefore, Porcellio haasi is a really interesting kind for breeding.

Tipp: You will need a good air conditioning. You either build in a huge ventilation space on the lid or keep the animals without a lid. The temperature should be slightly above the average room temperature. The humidity again should be a little less than with other kinds of isopods. The best way to reach that is to only keep one corner which is filled with leaves, wet in the tank.

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