Healthy Pet Food
High quality food strengthens the immune system
We use the offered feeds ourselves
Also well suited for feeding the offspring
Our products are free from toxinsBanana leaves give off a fresh, fruity aroma. They are very popular with our isopods, centipedes, cockroaches and snails. Especially for freshly imported snails banana leaves are a real insider tip! They are almost exclusively fed with banana leaves in so-called farm breedings and they get used to other food only slowly. Therefore, our banana leaves can be used to bring about a gentle transition and slowly introduce the animals to our range of vegetables and fruits.
Each packaging unit contains a fresh half leaf of the banana plant with a total weight of about 70 grams and a length of about 1 meter. The leaves will keep frozen for 2 years in the freezer and thawed in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks. Our banana leaves are a pure natural product and are harvested and treated just as gently as our sea almond tree leaves and cocoa leaves. They are absolutely free of pesticides, harmful bacteria and other undesirable things.

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