

14 CM

22-25 °C
Short description:
Spirostreptus spec. 1 is probably the most frequently kept millipede species in Germany, which is not least due to the easy breeding and uncomplicated keeping. Per brood there can be more than 150 young animals. Spirostreptus spec. 1 is very frugal and is the beginner species par excellence. It can live up to 5 years and reaches sexual maturity at about 2-3 years.
This species is orange and green ringed. It has a slim body. The collum (head shield) is colored orange. Likewise, the antennae and legs of Spirostreptus spec. 1 are orange. In males, the 7th segment is strongly thickened.
A tank for Spirostreptus spec. 1 should have a minimum base area of 40 cm x 40 cm and should also be at least 40 cm high. The substrate should be strewn 10 cm high, better higher. The animals are mainly crepuscular and nocturnal, therefore additional lighting is not necessary. This species is considered to be very frugal, nevertheless a temperature of 21°C-26°C and a humidity of 60-80% should be aimed at. As with the other species, the temperature should be introduced into the terrarium from above. To keep the humidity in the substrate, it is recommended to cover it with leaves, bark pieces or mosses. Climbing branches should not be missing in the tank. As food they mainly use the organic material contained in the substrate, but also additional food such as vegetables, fruit and millipede food are gladly accepted. As adults they often stay on the surface during the day and can be observed well.
More information can be found in our keeping report!
Essentials for Spirostreptus spec. 1!