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26-28 °C
Discover the Phidippus spec. “Ometepe”: The unique jumping spider of Nicaragua

More information about this spider:
Keeping jumping spiders – quickly and easily explained!
In this article we will go into detail about keeping jumping spiders. All important points are explained briefly and understandably and will support you in caring for your jumping spider.The most widespread species of jumping spider in the terrarium hobby is called Phidippus regius. These are found in the south-east [...]
Jumping spider food – The right diet!
If you ask yourself the question about the right jumping spider food, the answer is basically very simple: as varied as possible! In everyday life, however, there are always other challenges and questions when feeding the little jumping spiders. How do I get the jumping spider food into the terrarium? [...]
Sex determination of jumping spiders
The sex determination of jumping spiders is one of the central questions in jumping spider husbandry. This question should not only be answered when selecting breeding animals at an early stage. Even when keeping just one animal, you want to know what sex it is. First of all, sexing jumping [...]
Jumping spider mating – Watch out for your males!
If you are interested in breeding jumping spiders, the question soon arises as to how to properly approach jumping spider mating. As is widely known, the male jumping spider enters unsafe territory as soon as it sits opposite the female. If the female is not nourished enough, her lover could [...]