

2,5 CM

26-28 °C
Short describtion:
Phidippus regius “Rastafari” is a jumping spider from Jamaica. It is found there in the Blue Mountains region. In the Blue Mountains, which run from south-west to north-east and reach up to 2,250 metres in height, it is significantly cooler than in the rest of Jamaica. The average temperature on the peaks is only thirteen degrees Celsius.
However, Phidippus regius “Rastafari” can be found in the middle mountain regions. This is also where the world-famous Blue Mountain coffee is grown and the average annual temperature is between 24 and 27 degrees Celsius. As jumping spiders have relatively good eyesight, the terrarium should either have a bright beach location or be equipped with LED lighting.
We feed and provide the animals with water every two days. To do this, we spray a small amount of water from the pressurised spray bottle into a corner of the terrarium. If the jumping spider is thirsty, it will take a few drops of water from there. Food animals are accepted up to the size of their own body. It is always interesting to watch how the jumping spider catches the food animal from the air.

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