USA, California

1,5 CM

26-28 °C
Short description Phidippus adumbratus:
Phidippus adumbratus have a black ground colouration. The abdomen has a striking red colour with a white border, which makes it a very beautiful jumping spider.
Like most jumping spiders, Phidippus adumbratus hunts during the day. It actively observes its prey with its sharp gaze. Then it sneaks up on its prey and pounces on the food animal. When jumping spiders jump, they spin a series of threads for safety. This ensures that if the jump is unsuccessful, the spider is caught by a safety line before it falls. Jumping spiders have much better eyesight than other spiders and are always on the lookout for prey and predators. This gives the impression when looking at the animals that they are very alert and observe their surroundings extensively.
A female can produce up to 6 clutches of 30-170 eggs each. The average total clutch size is about 200 eggs per female. Later clutches are usually smaller than earlier clutches. Phidippus adumbratus does not require high humidity. 60-70 % is quite sufficient. It is better to keep it a little drier than too humid. It is sufficient to spray a little water on a window pane twice a week. If necessary, the spider will go to a drop of water and quench its thirst. A water bowl is not necessary.
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