Angola, Botswana, South Africa

3,5 CM

20-28 °C
Short description:
Gyna caffrorum is a relatively small and pretty cockroach species that is not sensitive to fluctuating housing conditions like its relatives. Therefore, it is the perfect introductory gyna species. Gyna caffrorum can climb and fly, so a tightly closed lid is highly recommended. However, if an animal does escape, there is no need to worry. The animals do not survive in the apartment and dry up relatively quickly.
They are not very choosy about food, so they like any fruit or vegetable. The substrate can be chosen either with forest humus, white rotten wood and foliage, or alternatively Flake Soil and foliage. The latter significantly increases the number of offspring and the development time. The substrate should always be kept slightly moist.
Females are slightly larger and broader than males, which tend to be more slender and active. Female Gyna caffrorum measure 3.5 cm whereas males grow only 3.0 cm. Gyna caffrorum is ovoviviparous, meaning they give birth to their offspring alive.
Essentials for Gyna caffrorum!