Short description about Heteroscodra maculata:
Heteroscodra maculata behaves quite defensively and usually tries to escape in case of disturbances. The escape behaviour of the species is really interesting. If it is somewhere on top, it lets itself fall and puts its legs against the body in the air, so that it takes on a spherical shape. This way it rolls down on an uneven or sloping ground. Once on the ground, it quickly escapes and hides in the nearest possible shelter.
Since it belongs to the tree-dwelling tarantulas, the terrarium should be raised. The dimensions 30x30x40 cm are sufficient. The substrate height from forest humus should be 10 cm. As a hiding place vertically attached cork bark should be offered.
A bowl for water absorption must be offered additionally.
Origin:West and Central Africa
Temperature: During the day 23-27 °C / During the night 20 °C
Humidity: 70-80%
Size: 5-6 cm
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- Firebrats
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