
South India / Sri Lanka

6 CM

20-27 °C
A living highlight: Xenobolus carnifex will delight you in your terrarium
Xenobolus carnifex is a fascinating millipede that is an eye-catching and interesting addition to any terrarium. With its striking red and black body and bright red legs, it immediately attracts attention and adds an exotic touch to any terrarium.
Xenobolus carnifex is native to the humid, tropical regions of South and Southeast Asia. These areas are characterised by dense rainforests that offer high humidity and warm temperatures. The ground is often covered with a thick layer of leaves, decaying plants and wood, creating ideal conditions for this millipede. The vegetation in these regions is lush and diverse, with tall trees, dense undergrowth and a variety of plant species. Streams and rivers often run through these forests and contribute to the constant humidity. In this natural habitat, Xenobolus carnifex finds plenty of food and hiding places, which supports its ability to survive.
It also requires high humidity in the terrarium and sufficient hiding places, such as pieces of bark or damp moss cushions. It is a ground-dwelling millipede that often hides during the day and becomes active at dusk or at night.
Xenobolus carnifex is not only an impressive sight, but also an uncomplicated pet. It feeds mainly on forage foliage and white rotten wood, and also likes to eat vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers or courgettes, which makes its diet varied and simple. Due to its preference for these foods, it actively contributes to the decomposition of organic materials and thus supports the health and cleanliness of the terrarium.
Xenobolus carnifex is not only an interesting eye-catcher, but also a useful inhabitant that supports the microclimate in the terrarium. With its unique colouring and interesting behaviour, it enriches every tropical terrarium and offers an exciting observation experience.
Current size: approx. 2.0 cm