

1,0 CM

22-28 °C
Short description Venezillo spec. “Kamerun”:
Venezillo spec. “Cameroon” is our first representative from Africa. We have long struggled with the breeding relatively. We have had this species in our stock for about 2 years. However, we could never produce a surplus to offer them to you. We used a forest humus, sand, white rotten wood substrate and the successes were limited or simply failed. Offered vegetables or fruits were only moderately accepted and we suspected it was a foraging specialist. Strictly speaking, Venezillo spec. “Cameroon” is, too, but in a different way than we thought. This isopod species feeds mainly on the feces of other animals. Especially with African snails and millipedes the symbiosis works very well. Therefore Venezillo spec. “Cameroon” is perfectly suitable as ground police for these two animal species. The advantages are versatile! Offered food will not be eaten by the ground police and Venezillo spec. “Cameroon” does not overpopulate like other isopod species.
At the same time this small woodlouse species is still pretty to look at. In terms of housing parameters, it is not sensitive and adapts very well to the conditions. Their nature is rather reserved and in case of danger they form themselves into balls and stay like this for quite a long time. With this nature it does not disturb the other inhabitants and is a reserved but reliable guest in your terrariums.
Essentials for Venezillo spec. “Kamerun”!