

26 CM

25-28 °C
Short description:
Spirostreptus spec. 8 is a large diplopod species native to Cameroon. It can reach a length of up to 26 cm. In its native country this species prefers to live in humid, shady forests. The animals are easy to keep, but not without difficulty in breeding, which is why we have classified them under the difficulty level “medium”. Unfortunately this beautiful, large species is rarely offered in Germany. Sometimes you can find the species under the name “Green-Striped-Millipede”.
Spirostreptus spec. 8 has a green black striped body. This has earned this species the nickname “green fairytale”. The legs are slightly ringed. The antennae of these diplopods are dark, the eyes black in color. In males, the 7th segment is thickened.
The tank for Spirostreptus spec. 8 should not be less than 60 cm edge length. The substrate must be filled at least 10-15 cm high. The animals can hardly be seen at the surface when they are young, but from a length of about 5 cm this changes and they can be observed quite often. The temperature in the terrarium should be between 23°C and 26°C and should always be brought into the terrarium from above. The humidity should be about 80%. Spirostreptus spec. 8, like most other species, is crepuscular and nocturnal, so additional lighting is not necessary. The substrate can be protected from drying out with leaves, cork bark and mosses. The species is not a particularly good climber, but you still like to see them sitting on branches. Therefore I would always offer them some. Additional food in the form of millipede food, pellets and pollen will be eaten with pleasure. If there are juveniles in the terrarium, make sure that there is always enough white rotten wood and foliage. Defensive secretion is given by the species only very rarely and then only very little. Cork bark or nutshells are gladly accepted as shelter.
Current size: min. 15 cm