Congo, Angola

12 CM

22-26 °C
Short description:
Spirostreptus gregorius is a slim species, up to 120 mm long, originating from Congo and Angola. S. gregorius are often offered as Spirostreptus spec. 2. They are considered to be relatively easy to breed and easy to keep. In their native country they inhabit mainly open forest areas. The attainable age is often given as 4-5 years, sexual maturity occurs at about 2.5-3 years. Offsprings are often mentioned as a beginner species and can be found regularly in the trade.
Spirostreptus gregorius is olive to green ringed. Its body is extraordinarily thin and so it appears very graceful even with 120 mm length. The collum (head shield) is also olive to green colored. The antennae are mostly brown. Its long legs are colored reddish brown. In males, the 7th segment is strongly thickened.
Spirostreptus gregorius can be kept from an edge length of 40 cm x 30 cm. It is important that the terrarium is high enough to accommodate climbing branches, because S. gregorius are good climbers. Like almost all diplopod species they are crepuscular or nocturnal. Therefore, additional lighting can be omitted. The substrate should be strewn at least 10 cm high, better higher. A temperature in the terrarium of 22°C – 26°C has proven itself with us. The humidity should be 60-70%. To protect the bottom from drying out, you can spread leaves, pieces of bark or moss on it. This is also the favorite place of Spirostreptus gregorius. They feed mainly on the organic material contained in the substrate. Additional food of any kind is nevertheless very gladly accepted.
Essentials for Spirostreptus gregorius!