

20 CM

26-28 °C
Short description:
The animals have a dark brown body colour, while the leg colours can vary from yellow to red, depending on the area of origin. Scolopendra dehaani “Orange Leg” have a continuous orange leg colour, which provides a nice contrast to the body colour.
This species of centipedes They are hunters and inject their venom into animals they hold as food animals or attackers. Care should be taken when handling centipedes as the venom can also be dangerous to humans. A bite is not life-threatening for a healthy adult human, but causes very severe pain. A sufficiently high box with a minimum of 30 cm and a tightly closing lid is absolutely recommended for this reason.
The humidity should be 70-80%. However, care should be taken that the substrate is not wet, as the animals tend to get fungal infections if kept too wet. Sea almond leaves as a cover layer have an antifungal effect and should therefore be laid out generously.
Scolopendra dehaani “Orange Leg” are not very choosy when it comes to food intake and will also cope with food animals that are larger than themselves. Insects such as crickets, grasshoppers or cockroaches have proved successful in keeping them. Not eaten food should be removed after one day, as scolopenders are also defenceless during the moulting phase.
If you are thinking of buying a Scolopendra dehaani “Orange Leg”, you should be aware of the responsibility that it is a poisonous animal and must be handled very carefully. In return, however, you get a bizarre-looking prehistoric animal that exhibits absolutely fascinating behaviour.
Current size: min 16 cm