
West Africa

14 CM

25-28 °C
Short description:
Pelmatojulus ligulatus, with its length up to 14 cm, belongs to the medium sized species. Its range extends from Benin over Togo to Nigeria. Here it mainly inhabits secondary rainforests. P. ligulatus is only conditionally suitable for beginners, because some experience in keeping is advantageous. Always enough white rotten wood and foliage should be offered. If you can ensure that you always have enough in stock, you will be very happy with this species. We have succeeded in breeding them several times. The animals are sexually mature at about 2 years.
Pelmatojulus ligulatus is a quite strong species with a width of 15 mm. The anterior section of the double segments is colored yellow to yellow-orange above the weir glands, the posterior is dark brown to almost black. Its entire body is conspicuously shiny. The head, as well as the anal segment are dark brown colored. The antennae of P. ligulatus are red and its legs are reddish brown and quite short. In adult males, sole pads can be seen on the tarsi.
Pelmatojulus ligulatus can be kept in a tank with a minimum substrate size of 30 x 40 cm.
The substrate should be filled at least 10 cm high and covered with a layer of foliage. Foliage and white rotten wood form the main diet of P. ligulatus, rarely additional food in the form of flowers, vegetables, proteins is accepted. The temperature in the terrarium should be 25-28°C, the humidity always around 90%. Climbing facilities can be omitted, because the species almost never climbs. Caves in the form of bark pieces, coconut or nutshells and the like can be offered and are also gladly used. The animals are crepuscular and nocturnal, which is why additional lighting can be dispensed with.
Actual size: 3 cm