

9 CM

17-25 °C
Short description:
Pachyiulus krivolutskyi with its 7 mm diameter belongs to the slim millipede species. With its final size of up to 9 cm it belongs to the largest and perhaps most picturesque millipede species from the Caucasus. The yellow-ivory base coloration of the animals is impressive and eye-catching in the terrarium. They have a very thin black axis line and a black painted pattern on both sides. The legs are yellow-ivory colored and the antennae are short and black.
Due to the relatively small adult size, a terrarium with the size from 30 x 30 x 30 cm is suitable. However, care should be taken to provide enough space for a sufficiently high filled substrate. The substrate height should not be less than 9 cm for this species! The substrate serves the animals as habitat and food at the same time and is also visited for moulting.
Daytime temperatures of 17-25 °C have proven to be suitable for keeping this species. A diapause is not absolutely necessary, but can contribute to the readiness for mating. The substrate should always be kept semi-moist. A humidity of 70-85% most closely approximates the conditions of their natural habitat. The substrate can be additionally covered with leaves, pieces of bark or moss. This will help protect it from drying out.
Pachyiulus krivolutskyi can always be found in forests in Russia. There they like to come out of the ground when it rains and explore their surroundings. This species differs from other millipede species, among other things, by its smell. The best way to describe it is a strikingly repulsive garlic smell. Therefore, this species is not suitable for the living room, but rather for a hobby room. Also a socialization with other millipede species or isopod species is not recommended.
Current size: about 6,0 cm