

5 CM

20-27 °C
Orthomorpha spec. “Vietnam”: Discover your new, easy-to-care-for millipede
We are delighted to introduce an exciting new addition to our range in our online shop: the Orthomorpha spec. “Vietnam”, a fascinating banded pinniped from the picturesque Ninh Binh region. This captivating little animal is an enriching new addition for any terrarium enthusiast.
The Orthomorpha spec. “Vietnam” is characterised by its preference for a moist environment, whereby it shows a particular affinity for moist foliage, in which it not only seeks shelter, but which it also enjoys as part of its diet. It likes to enrich its diet with white rotten wood, which provides additional valuable nutrients and contributes to the natural terrarium design.
Another outstanding feature of this banded pinniped is its pleasing reproduction rate, which makes it an excellent choice for breeders and hobbyists interested in breeding and observing the fascinating lifestyle of these animals. To create optimal conditions, the habitat of the Orthomorpha spec. “Vietnam” should have a constant humidity of 70-85%, which is essential for the animal’s well-being and natural behaviour.
It is highly recommended to keep Orthomorpha spec. “Vietnam” together with springtails, as they not only enliven the terrarium, but also help to keep the substrate clean and healthy. However, caution should be exercised when socialising with other animals, as the millipede excretes a defence secretion that can be unpleasant for other terrarium inhabitants. This secretion poses no danger to humans, which makes it easier to care for and handle this millipede.
For the ideal terrarium, we recommend a filling of forest humus, plenty of leaves and white rotten wood, with a minimum height of 10 cm, to create a natural and comfortable environment. Hiding places should not be overlooked: A cork bark or a cork tube provide ideal retreats for Orthomorpha spec. “Vietnam”. These can also be planted with moss to create green accents in your terrarium.
The care of Orthomorpha spec. “Vietnam” is generally uncomplicated, with the focus being on humidifying the terrarium and maintaining the humidity. Feeding is easy to manage, as the banded pinniped feeds mainly on available natural material, which is integrated into the terrarium.
When you choose the Orthomorpha spec. “Vietnam”, you not only get an extraordinary pet, but also support the conservation of a species that is threatened in the wild due to habitat loss and other ecological challenges. We cordially invite you to become part of the fascinating world of the millipedes and gain an insight into the unique nature of Ninh Binh in your own home.
Current size: approx. 1.0 cm