

15 CM

27-29 °C
Short description Ornithoctoninae spec. “Ho Chi Minh”:
The range of Ornithoctoninae spec. “Ho Chi Minh” extends over central Vietnam to the north. Thereby two different local color variants are found in this region. The border here is between the animals occurring in the north and those from central Vietnam. The difference lies in the basic coloration of the animals, the ones from central Vietnam have a darker appearance than the ones from the north. The animals offered here are from central Vietnam. Unfortunately, the name Ho Chi Minh does not give us more precise information about the origin, but it is a Vietnamese revolutionary and communist politician. What such a thing has to look for in a tarantula name, we do not understand.
Ornithoctoninae spec. “Ho Chi Minh” lives in nature under pieces of bark or in burrows. It spins in its living space and stabilizes it additionally. The substrate humidity should not be too wet. It is best to offer it two different moisture zones and place a piece of bark across it. This way it can choose the most suitable place.
The animals like to go into attack position and stretch themselves into the air. Nevertheless, they remain relatively calm and do not run away. Therefore, dealing with them is relatively easy.
Current Size and Sex: adult Female
Essentials for Ornithoctoninae spec. “Ho Chi Minh”!