
Trinidad, Venezuela

3,5 CM

22-26 °C
Short description Neoholothele incei het Gold:
Neoholothele incei het Gold belongs to the group of dwarf tarantulas. Their small body size also reduces the spiders’ space requirements. A 20 × 20 × 20 cm terrarium is sufficient for an adult female. Therefore, this species is especially interesting for tarantula lovers who live in a small city flat, shared flat, or still live with their parents. Neoholothele incei het Gold does not grow as large as other species in its family, but it is a beautiful tarantula with its gold-brown striped abdomen and shimmering blue-metallic carapace/prosoma.
It grows rapidly and becomes adult at 1-1.5 years, which is amazing for a tarantula. For this reason there is always something going on when looking at the animals. They accept food very well and moult in short intervals, which offers regular interesting observations, especially for newcomers. Keeping them is also uncomplicated and Neoholothele incei het Gold is also forgiving of one or two keeping mistakes.
As this species likes to dig, a substrate height of 8 to 10 cm of forest humus should be added to the terrarium. Pieces of cork and river roots are often integrated into the web and provide support at the same time. The substrate must be sprayed regularly so that a humidity of 70 to 80 % is achieved. A water dish must be offered to absorb moisture.
Neoholothele incei het Gold can also be kept in groups with a sufficient food supply. For a carefree keeping, however, we recommend to keep the animals individually.
Current size: FH2/FH3
Hatching date: 07/2022
Essentials for Neoholothele incei het Gold: