

2,0 CM

25-27 °C
Short description Merulanella spec. “Bicolor”:
Merulanella spec. “Bicolour” resembles Merulanella spec. “Tricolour” in size and body shape. It also has its colour spots in the same places. In contrast to the “Tricolours”, the colour consists exclusively of orange, which is sometimes somewhat washed out. This species is very active and therefore interesting to observe. Due to their increased activity, you can offer them more climbing opportunities.
The setup of the terrarium is the same as for all Merulanella and Cubaris species.
We increase the substrate height of the forest humus to 10-15 cm. Due to the relatively high humidity of 80 %, it makes sense to use more substrate that can absorb excess water. A drainage layer of expanded clay is also a possibility to avoid waterlogging.
A generous layer of foliage is often used by the animals as a hiding place and for feeding. A lime stone can be used as a hiding place and for additional lime intake. However, cuttlefish should still be offered. Merulanella spec. “Bicolor” and other Merulanella species continuously satisfy their calcium requirements. Perhaps it is due to their size and they simply need more lime, but compared to other species it is in any case remarkably much.
Merulanella spec. “Bicolor” are, as already mentioned, good climbers and even small lime residues on the walls are enough for them to climb on. Therefore, make sure that the lid closes tightly. In addition, the enclosure should be tight so that the offspring cannot simply wander out of the terrarium. Window insulation tape is a good way to seal the problematic areas.
Essentials for Merulanella spec. “Bicolor”!