

6 CM

21-24 °C
Short describtion Haplopelma spec. “Bach Ma”:
The range of Haplopelma spec. ‘Bach Ma’ is a little more than forty kilometres from Hue and covers 22 000 hectares. Bach Ma Park contains different vegetation zones, ranging from simple coastal plains to high mountain peaks. This species lives there about 18 km from the sea at 1400 m altitude. The temperature should not be permanently above 28 °C, as this does not correspond to its natural climatic condition.
Haplopelma spec. “Bach Ma” lives in nature under pieces of bark or in burrows. It spins in its living space and stabilises it additionally. The substrate humidity should not be too wet. It is best to offer it two different moisture zones and place a piece of bark across them. This way it can choose the most suitable place. Spraying two to three times a week is sufficient.
The animals like to take up an attack position and stretch upwards. Nevertheless, they remain relatively calm and do not run away. Therefore, they are relatively easy to handle.
Haplopelma spec. “Bach Ma” is not very demanding in keeping and is also suitable for beginners, as this species forgives one or two mistakes in keeping.
Essentials for Haplopelma spec. “Bach Ma”!