Balanced ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates
Good nutrition boosts reproduction
Watching the hunt is exciting
Forage animals are essential for growth
Tasty and digestible: why Firebrat fish are highly popular with many keepers!
Natural, nutritious and easy to digest – the Firebrat are a real treat for your amphibians, mantids, scorpions, tarantulas, jumping spiders and reptiles. These inconspicuous little animals pose absolutely no danger to your pets, and thanks to their soft body they are not only tasty, but also particularly digestible.
With a body size of up to 12 mm, Firebrat serve as a perfect snack that bridges the gap between feeding Drosophila hydei and goldflies. They are therefore a valuable addition to the diet of your terrarium inhabitants, providing a balanced and varied diet.
An outstanding feature of Firebrat is their viability. They can survive for several weeks in the terrarium, making it possible to feed them in stock. This not only makes feeding flexible, but also allows your animals to always have access to fresh food.
For many keepers, Firebrat are one of the most important food animals after drosophilas. Their nutritional value and popularity with their keepers make them an indispensable food source. Whether as a main meal or as a tasty snack in between meals – Firebrat are always a good choice.
Using Firebrat as a food source also offers the advantage of ensuring a natural diet that promotes the well-being and health of the terrarium inhabitants. Their ease of use and the ability to stock feed them make feeding stress-free and uncomplicated.
All in all, Firebrat are an excellent food alternative that can be recommended to every keeper who wants the best for their pets. They are a guarantee for happy and healthy animals and contribute to an optimal and species-appropriate diet.
To the breeding instructions:
Firebrat (Thermobia domestica)