

6-8 CM

22-28 °C
Short description Cyclocosmia ricketti:
Cyclocosmia ricketti is a trapdoor spider from China. The truncated abdomen with the markings makes it a very special spider. These rarities are best kept in a terrarium with a substrate height of at least 20 cm. You can make a hole in advance with your index finger and place the animal close to it. Often the animal will accept this hole and design it further. It likes to design its burrow with surrounding materials such as leaves or moss. This has the effect that her burrow blends in perfectly with the surrounding landscape and is well camouflaged. In case of danger, it closes its burrow with its abdomen, which is hardened at the grain and offers it good protection.
It is best to offer it a substrate mixture of forest humus and burrowable sand in a ratio of 4:1. The mixture gives their burrow the necessary stability and still accepts moisture well.
The terrarium should have a base area of at least 20 × 30 cm. The height is not important. A water bowl should be offered as a matter of course. The humidity should be between 70 and 80 % for Cyclocosmia ricketti.
Current size:
Adult female
Essentials for Cyclocosmia ricketti!