

1,8 CM

22-25 °C
Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’: An exotic eye-catcher for your terrarium
Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’ is a spectacular addition to your terrarium. This land isopod, formerly known as Cubaris spec. ‘Shiro Utsuri’, impresses with its striking black and white colouring, which adds a special visual touch to any terrarium.
The Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’ originates from humid, warm habitats and is ideal for keeping in tropical to subtropical terrarium conditions. It requires high humidity and prefers temperatures between 22 and 25 degrees Celsius. It is comparatively easy to keep as it is uncomplicated in its diet and feeds mainly on decaying plant material.
For optimal husbandry, you should furnish the terrarium with plenty of natural materials such as leaves, bark and wood to provide the isopods with sufficient hiding places and retreats. A layer of moist moss also helps to regulate the microclimate inside the terrarium and maintain the necessary humidity.
Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’ is not only a feast for the eyes, but also fulfils an important ecological role in the terrarium. It helps to decompose organic waste and thus contributes to the cleanliness and biological balance of your small ecosystems.
These land isopods are also suitable for beginners in terraristics and offer an exciting opportunity to experience natural processes and the behaviour of this fascinating isopod up close. Whether as part of a community of different terrarium inhabitants or as an independent population – the Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’ will delight you and your visitors with its beauty and interesting behaviour.
Essentials for Nesodillo arcangelii “Shiro Utsuri”!