

9 CM

20-26 °C
Short description:
Centrobolus splendidus hardly differs from its close relative the Centrobolus spec. “Mozambique”. The basic color is also dark red. From the 6th segment on there are also black dots on the weir gland exits. On the front part of the segments there are more or less distinct black spots. From the base of the legs there is a black band on the posterior section of the segments (metazonite), which reaches to below the weir glands, in the posterior segments it partially reaches them. Unlike Centrobolus spec. “Mozambique”, however, its collum (head shield) is not black, but red colored.
It is with a length of up to 9 cm a little bit bigger than the relatives. Just like Centrobolus spec. “Mozambique” it also comes from southern Mozambique. The animals convince with their bright color and the fact that they can be seen as adults constantly at the surface. Breeding of this species has been successful several times. The generation time is about 2 years.
Further information you can find in our keeping report about Centrobolus spec. “Mozambique”!
Current size: 3-4 cm
Essentials for Centrobolus splendidus!