4 – 5 CM
25-28 °C
Avicularia purpurea, the adorable purple tarantula!
Avicularia purpurea is not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also have a fascinating personality that makes them ideal companions in the world of terraristics.
The purple tarantula impresses with its deep purple colouring. This blaze of colour makes it a real gem in any terrarium and captures the attention of terrarium lovers all over the world.
In order for Avicularia purpurea to develop optimally, it is important to create the right terrarium conditions. One of the decisive factors is the humidity, which should be in the range of 75-85 %. This is essential to ensure the well-being and health of this arboreal tarantula. An easy way to increase humidity is to regularly spray the terrarium with water, especially in the early morning and evening hours when this tarantula is most active.
In addition to humidity, the design of the terrarium is also very important. Avicularia purpurea are arboreal tarantulas and therefore require sufficient climbing opportunities and hiding places.
Branches, twigs and plants not only create a natural environment, but also offer the spiders the opportunity to act out their natural behaviour and withdraw if they wish.
Avicularia purpurea may not be the best choice for beginners in keeping tarantulas. Although they generally react defensively and try to escape, their frantic flight reactions can be a challenge for inexperienced keepers. For a gentle introduction to the world of Avicularia species, we recommend a calmer species such as Avicularia versicolor. These are often a little more patient and easier to handle. Nevertheless, it is important to emphasise that all Avicularia species require a certain level of expertise to optimally meet their needs. If someone just wants to have a tarantula as a pet, without being intensively involved in the hobby, we would rather recommend other species.
It is important to treat purple tarantulas with respect and care, as although they are generally very tame, they are sensitive creatures. Therefore, be careful when cleaning the terrarium or interacting with the spiders to avoid unnecessary stress.
With loving and caring care, you can develop a deep bond with your Avicularia purpurea and explore its fascinating world full of life and adventure. Enjoy the time you spend with this enchanting tarantula species and be proud to have created a terrarium in which it can feel safe and secure.