
Brazil, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Guatemala, Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad

6,0 CM

25-28 °C
Short description Avicularia avicularia:
Avicularia avicularia has been newly identified and was formerly known as Avicularia blue velvet, Avicularia santa Mission Moonlight and Avicularia spec. “Pakuri”.
The species has a slender body build typical of tree-dwelling tarantulas. The basic colouration of both sexes is a bluish shimmering black. Spiderlings also have a black ground colouration, but have a red-black fir tree pattern on the abdomen.
In order to experience this development without negative surprises, a few things should be kept in mind. The animals need drops of water every two days to absorb water. Therefore, you should regularly spray some water into a corner of the container. However, care should be taken, as Avicularia avicularia does not tolerate waterlogging. A container with good air circulation and a substrate that can absorb moisture well is best. We use a forest humus spaghnum moss mixture with a ratio of 3:1.
For an adult Avicularia avicularia we recommend a terrarium with the dimensions 20 × 30 × 40 cm. The animals like cork tubes placed diagonally in the terrarium to build their living quarters. They are not choosy about food. They will accept anything that corresponds to their size. Leftover food should be removed immediately. Avicularia avicularia is a very peaceful and calm species, which is also recommended for beginners.
Essentials for Avicularia avicularia!