10 CM

26-28 °C
Short description:
Atopochetus spinimargo originates from eastern Thailand to Vietnam. The east of Thailand is also called Isaan and is crossed by many rivers, above all the Mekong and the Mun. Here you will find green river landscapes, dense rainforests with waterfalls. Atopochetus spinimargo is at home in these humid to wet habitats. It regularly burrows into the ground to moult. The substrate can also be muddy, as known from snail terrariums. Therefore Atopochetus spinimargo is also very suitable as a social animal in a snail terrarium.
The legs are relatively long, as one is used to from climbing millipedes. Therefore there should be enough climbing possibilities in the terrarium.
A special feature of Atopochetus spinimargo is the following: The two sexes are differently coloured in the adult stage. The males have black legs and also the segments are coloured deep black and create a great contrast to the brown. In contrast, the females have reddish feet and the segments are greyish. The young all look the same and are therefore visually indistinguishable.
Daytime temperatures of 26-28 °C have proven successful for keeping this species. The animals are crepuscular and nocturnal when young. However, this changes when they are adults. Apparently their self-confidence increases so much that they can be seen running around on branches and on the ground during the day. When reaching temperatures in the terrarium, it is important to always place the heat source from above and never from below! The substrate should always be kept semi-moist. A humidity of 75-90% is the best for their natural habitat. The substrate can also be covered with leaves, pieces of bark or moss. This helps to protect it from drying out.
This species is also suitable for beginners, as it is very active and can survive longer dry periods unscathed. A community tank of tropical snails and the Cubaris species, which also come from Thailand, is a good idea.
Current Size: approx. 4,0 cm
Essentials for Atopochetus spinimargo!