Instructions for the Triops complete set

To ensure that your Triops complete set is optimally prepared for the exciting journey of breeding these fascinating prehistoric crustaceans, we provide you with detailed and carefully updated instructions. These step-by-step instructions are designed to help you set up the setup correctly so that the conditions are ideal for your Triops to thrive. Follow these clearly outlined steps to promote a healthy and active Triops population in your own home:

1. Preparation

  • Clean the aquarium: Before you put anything into the aquarium, rub it thoroughly with a new cloth and water. Do not use soap or other cleaning agents, as these can leave harmful residues.
  • Wash out the sand: Wash out the sand thoroughly by rinsing it in water until the water remains clear. This prevents the aquarium water from becoming cloudy after the sand has been added.

2. Placement

  • Find a good location: Choose a safe place for the aquarium, away from pets such as dogs and cats and out of reach of small children. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent overheating and algae growth.

3. Start of the installation

  • Empty the sand into the aquarium: Fill the cleaned sand evenly at the bottom of the aquarium. This forms the basis for the habitat of your Triops.
  • Place the volcanic stone: Carefully place the volcanic stone in the aquarium. It not only serves as decoration, but also as an additional surface for microorganisms. Make sure that it is placed on the bottom glass plate and cannot be undermined.
  • Place the filter: Install the filter according to the instructions. Make sure that it is stable and securely attached to the aquarium.
  • Fill the aquarium with water: Use osmosis water, still mineral water, rainwater or distilled water to avoid problems caused by limescale deposits that could clog the pores of the Triopa eggs.
  • Place the plants and Java moss: Spread the plants and Java moss around the aquarium. They contribute to the oxygen supply and provide hiding places for the Triops.

4. Run-in time

  • Switch on the filter and adjust the light: Switch on the filter and the lighting. Leave both running for 1-2 days to allow the system to run in. The lighting should be switched on for about 12 hours a day.
  • Switch off the filter after the running-in period: To prevent the Triop eggs and later the Triops themselves from being sucked in, switch off the filter.

5. Triops hatch

  • Add the eggs to the aquarium: Carefully scatter the Triop eggs into the water.Expect them to hatch within 24 to 48 hours.
  • First feeding after hatching: Start feeding two days after hatching.Add just a pinch of food, enough so that it is all eaten within an hour. Feed the Triops daily thereafter.

6. Care

  • Removing moults: Regularly remove the Triops’ moults with tweezers to maintain the water quality.
  • Switch on the filter as the Triops grow larger: As soon as the Triops have reached a length of about 1 cm, switch the filter back on to keep the water clean and ensure adequate filtration.

7. Development

The Triops that you raise in your complete set develop quickly and are sexually mature after just 14 days. These fascinating creatures reach a lifespan of around 12 weeks. After the Triops have completed their life cycle, it is very easy to recondition the aquarium: simply drain the water and dry the sand in a bowl for 1-2 weeks. You can then put the sand back into the aquarium and start the breeding process again. There are enough Triop eggs in the sand for a new generation.

If you want to take a break, that’s no problem either. The Triops eggs are extremely resilient and will last for years without losing vitality. So you can decide at any time when you want to resume the exciting adventure of rearing Triops.