Overwiew does not mean to not pay attention to details, it means to see details in connection with everything around them

You want to act out or deepen your passion for insects?

Learn more about the world of insects – become a guru and discover the depths of your hobby!

Here’s some random facts

  • About two thirds of all animals are insects
  • We know more than a million species of insects
  • Insects were the first animals that were able to fly
  • About 370 million years ago, insects took over the air. Since then they spread over all habitats.
  • Insects can survive on the ground, in water, on ice or in a desert
  • They’re herbivores, robbers or parasites
  • Most insects are loners
  • The Others form the biggest herds.

My life revolves around the creatures most people don’t or don’t want to see.

My goal is to inspire you to give your flatmates or coming guests a nice and healthy life.

I was always interested in animals that crawl which surely was not easy for my parents and friends. My hobby makes up a childhood from storys about cooking out rats in my mum’s saucepan up to a plague of snails in my bedroom.
Don’t worry, you can skip this part 😉
But there’s still one thing that connects us, the interest and connection to nature and everything that hides in it. As small and tiny as it may be.


Where does this connection come from?

The majority of their existence, humans have been living in close touch with nature. Humans lived as hunters and collectors, integrated into the rhythm of their environment. Our senses were perfectioned by our earliest ancestors who had to learn how to understand nature to survive.